How to Make a Triangular Prism - a Printable 3d Net
How to Make a Tetrahedron - a Printable 3d Net - with emojis
How to Make a Square Pyramid - a Printable 3d Net
How to Make a Rectangular Prism - a Printable 3d Net
3d Shape Game - Concentration or Memory is a fun activity for reviewing the properties and names of common 3d shapes.
Reading Comprehension Strategies - Teaching Inference - 'Hidden Questions' are those you can answer by using clues in the text combined with knowledge you already have.
Reading Comprehension Strategy - Focus on Character
Reading Comprehension Strategy - Author’s Purpose or Author’s Intention
2d Shape Concentration Game - Here is an excellent printable mathematics game ideal for helping out elementary students with geometry. It deals with the names and geometric properties of 2 dimensional (2d) shapes.
Phonics Game - 'Beach Ball Bash' involves writing onset and rime onto different sections of a beach ball. When the students catch the ball they have to combine the sounds beneath their hands and say it aloud. It is a fun way to have a little fun practicing common blends and word endings.
Free Calculator Game - Wipeout is a classroom favorite for teaching & experimenting with place value. It is an ideal warm-up activity.
Problem Solving: This Problem Solving Bundle contains 13 Beautiful Problems to solve in the form of A4 posters, task cards, blackline versions, and a PowerPoint file for easy display and discussion. The puzzles are great for Math Walls, Bulletin Boards, for 'early finishers', homework, etc, etc.
A collection of 10 tried and true puzzles to get your students thinking and working mathematically.
Find the shortest route possible to solve this brain teaser.