Addition Game
Facts to 20 – Bump Game

Addition Game – Friends to 20 Bump
Game Overview:
Players throw 2 dice and calculate the sum. They then calculate ‘How many more to 20?’ and place a counter on the answer.
e.g If 2 sixes are thrown the player covers 8 since 12+8=20. The game is ideal for practicing the mental Math strategy ‘Friends to 20’.
What You Need:
2 Players
2 dice numbered 1 to 6
1 Friend to 20 Board
6 Counters of different colors per Player
1 Dice Mat – Optional
How to Play:
1. Add up how many letters you have in your first and last names. The student with the most letters goes first.
2. Player One throws the 2 dice onto the Dice Mat.
3. Player One finds the sum of the dice and mentally calculates, ‘How many more to 20?’. (NB it is a good idea to have Player 2 to check Player One’s calculations for accuracy).
4. Player One places one of their counters on the answer.
5. Player Two repeats steps 2 through 4.

The ‘Bump’ Rule
– If a number is already covered by a single opposition counter a player can ‘BUMP’ the counter off the board and replace it with their own.
The ‘Locked In’ Rule
– If a number is covered by your piece and you throw that number, A player can place a second counter on top of the one already on the board. This means the piece is ‘LOCKED IN’ and it cannot be ‘BUMPED’ off the board.
How to Win:
The first player to use up all their counters wins the game.
The Dice Mat:
– The Dice Mat is a piece of felt or A4 paper. It is used to keep down the noise, confine the ‘throws’ to a small area and or eliminate dice-related ‘silliness’ before it occurs. hehehe
– If any of the dice roll off the mat the throw is disallowed.
Conduct Number Talks Before and After the Game.
A ‘Number Talk’ is a 5 to 15-minute class discussion that focuses on the efficient use of number strategies to solve problems. The teacher and students verbally communicate problem-solving strategies to explore and expose the group to new ways of thinking. The talks serve to deepen mathematical understandings and develop computational fluency.

Possible Number Talks:
– Throw the dice and model solving the problem presented.
NB The verbalizing of teacher self-talk is very important e.g I worked this out by going 4+4 is 8, it’s 2 more to 10 and then 10 more to 20 so the answer is 2+10.
– Does anyone have a different way of doing it?
– Explain to a partner how you found the answer. ie Use the ‘Think, Pair Share’ or ‘Think, Pair Square’ strategy.
– How could we use subtraction to solve these problems? ‘Think, Pair Share’
– Explore – Which is the most efficient way of working out these problems? ‘Think, Pair Share’
– Is there any need to say ‘plus’ when adding mentally e.g if the dice show 5 and a 6 do you really need to say mentally 5+6=11?
Base Number Talks on Observed Behaviours:
– When you see a lot of ‘Counting On’ to solve the dice numbers, encourage the practicing of strategies because they are efficient. Model how efficient they are.
– Bridge to Ten
– Facts to Twenty
– Counting by 2s
– Counting backward and forwards
Possible Journal Reflections:
– I enjoyed playing this Math game today because______________
– I did not enjoy playing this Math game today because___________
– While playing the Math game today I figured out ________
– After playing this Math game I can now ___________
– Based on the way I felt today in Math I need to __________
– What did you discover about your use of Addition strategies while playing this game.
– On a scale from 1 to 10 I rated my Math work a ______ today because________
Included in this Download:
– 1 Pilots Friends to 20 Full-Color Game Board
– 1 Pilots Friends to 20 Low Color Game Board
– 1 Pool Party Friends to 20 Full-Color Game Board
– 1 Pool Party Friends to 20 Low Color Game Board
– 1 Super Heroes Friends to 20 Full-Color Game Board
– 1 Super Heroes Workers Friends to 20 Low Color Game Board
– 1 Witches Friends to 20 Full-Color Game Board
– 1 Witches Friends to 20 Low Color Game Board
– 1 Set of Game Rules
– Teaching Notes
– Possible Math Journal Reflections
– Check out the file preview for a good look at the game boards 🙂

NB There are ‘low color’ versions of each board in this download
just in case you have one of ‘those’ principals hehehe