Subtraction Game
Four in a Row – Great Subtraction Practice

Subtraction Game – Four in a Row
You Will Need:
1 game board printed and laminated
1 die (yes die is the singular, dice is the plural)
Colored counters for each player e.g. Player 1 = red Player 2 = green.
How to Play:
1. Player 1 rolls the die.
2. Player 1 answers the algorithm with the same number as shown on the die.
3. Place one colored counter on the answered algorithm if read correctly
4. The winner is the first player to gets 4 counters in a row either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

Subtraction Game – Four in a Row
Tips and Hints:
• The game works best with a two-player game.
• The game can be played without a die – children simply choose an algorithm to answer.
• Try playing best of three – it helps to reinforce number facts.
• Focus on strategies, not the answers. ‘How do you know that answer is correct?’ ‘How else do you know?’