Addition Practice Game – Build It Up

Addition Practice Game or Subtraction Game – ‘Build It Up’ is a Math game that encompasses logical thinking, forward planning and repeatedly adding single numbers together. 


Addition Game

Build It Up

Addition Game - Build It Up

Addition Game – Build It Up

Addition Practice Game or Subtraction Game – ‘Build It Up’

is a Math game that encompasses logical thinking, forward planning and repeatedly adding single numbers together. 

What You Need:

 2 Players
1 Game Board
1 Counter 

Preparing to Play:

Students or teacher choose a target number

– For the (1,2,3,4,5 board) the number is between 13 and 27.
– For the (5,6,7,8,9 board) the number is between 48 and 73.
– For the (2,4,6,8,10 board) the number needs to be even.
– For the (1,3,5,7,9 board) you choose. 

How to Play:

1, The person who pulls the funniest face becomes Player One.
2. Player One chooses and places the counter on the board and states the number covered.
3. Player 2 then slides the counter along a line towards another number. They then add that number to form a cumulative total and states the current total aloud.
4. Players then take turns doing these steps.
5. Play continues in this fashion until a player arrives at the decided-upon total.
Addition Game

Addition Game

How to Win:

– Be the player to land on the given number
– Force your opponent to go over the given number.

Possible Variation:

– Count backward from the original number to zero.

Before the Game:

– In pairs – Teacher says, ‘5 plus 7?’ students tell each other the answer. Do a couple of minutes of warm-ups using this question type to get into the zone and discuss efficient strategies.
– Using the PowerPoint version ask students to imagine moving the counter along a line and giving an answer. 
– Model how counting on with fingers is very effective at finding the correct answer it is just a bit slow. Have students explore strategies. e.g. Add 4 is add 2 then add 2 again. Adding 8 is add 10 and subtract 2. etc
– Explore strategies of Counting Through 10 and Counting Through 5.
– Discuss transferring the strategies we talk about during these sessions to practicing them in the game.

During the Game:

– Teacher takes notes on possible future directions and remediation during the gameplay.
– Play a game or two with a couple of students. Be sure to lose and ham it up 🙂 
– Remind the groups of the skill focus for the game. 
– Ensure students take turns being the player to make the first move.
– Use descriptive praise e.g. ‘I love the way you did that calculation by using the Adding 9 strategy’.
Adding Game - Build it Up

Adding Game – Build it Up

Possible After Game Math Journal Reflections:

– What did you find easy today?
– What did you find difficult today?
– After playing this game I am still a little confused about _______
– Is there a point in the game when you know you are going to win or lose? Tell me how you know.

Included in this Download:

5 High Color Game Boards (click on the word sample below to see them all)
1 PowerPoint File with All Games for Easy Display and Discussion
1 Set of Game Rules
1 Set of Possible Teaching Notes