Addition Game & Subtraction Game in One – Pretwa
Addition Game & Subtraction Game – Pretwa is a two-player abstract strategy game that originated in Bihar India. It is similar in gameplay to Draughts or Checkers in the pieces are captured by jumping over the opponent’s pieces. Great Math Fact Practice.
Addition Game & Subtraction Game in One
Pretwa – an Indian Strategy Game

Addition & Subtraction Strategy Game – Pretwa
What You Need:
2 Players
1 Pretwa game board
9 counters for each player
How to Play:
1. Players place their counters on the stars and leave the center position vacant.
2. The student with the longest little finger goes first.
3. Player One moves one of their pieces to a vacant star by following the lines on the board.
4. Player Two then either moves along a line to a vacant star or jumps over an opponent’s counter onto a vacant star on the other side of it. Jumping over a piece captures it and as a result, may be removed from the board.

Friends to 10 Game – Pretwa
Legal Moves:
– Pieces may be captured either sideways on the same circle
– Pieces may be captured by moving forwards along a radiating line.
– Pieces may be captured by moving backward along a radiating line.
How to Win:
– The person who captures all their opponent’s pieces is declared the winner.
– The person who reduces their opponent to 3 playing pieces is the winner.
• A stalemate occurs when no legal moves can be made. In this case, the winner is the player with more pieces on the board.
Before the Game:
• Plenty of discussion and practice of using addition to solve subtraction algorithms in Number Talks ie When doing 16-8=_ ask ‘How many more from 8 to 16?’
• Explore the inverse relationship between the facts used in this game. ie How can knowing 7+7=14 help you solve 14-7=_
• Discuss – ‘Counting backward is an accurate strategy for working out subtraction algorithms however it is rather inefficient.’ Use what you know and manipulate the numbers.
• With a partner, how far do you count backward when doing this sort of problem? The teacher tells a personal story about how they solve these algorithms eg ‘If I only have to count back one or two I do it but after that, I tend to…’
During the Game:
– Encourage students to think ahead with their game plan and strategy.
– Encourage students to predict what options their opponent has and what moves they may make.
– Remind the students how the game flows better if the players are using strategies rather than counting backward on their fingers.
– Interrupt the game occasionally and ask the students to explain to their partner how they worked out the last algorithm.
After Game Journal Reflections:
– While I was playing this math game I noticed ______
– I am still a little confused about _______
– At the beginning of the game I thought ______ but after a while I realized __________
– Based on the way I felt today in Math I need to ____
– Who do you know would benefit from playing this game? Why?
Possible Extensions:
– Investigate concentric circles and dividing a circle using a compass into 6 segments. What shape is created by joining those points?
– Students design a Pretwa game board of their own.
– Explore and discuss the origins of this game.
– Draw a playing grid on the playground and have a game where the students are the playing pieces. Choose 2 students to be the game ‘directors’- an assistant can be chosen to mirror the game using counters on a playing board to assist their directors. Students must leapfrog over an opposing player to capture them. They then sit to one side.
Included in this Download:
Doubles Board – Addition and Subtraction – Color
Doubles Board – Addition and Subtraction -Lo Color
Doubles + One Board – Addition and Subtraction – Color
Doubles + One Board – Addition and Subtraction – Lo Color
Doubles + Two Board – Addition and Subtraction – Color
Doubles + Two Board – Addition and Subtraction – Lo Color
Adding 9 Board – Addition and Subtraction – Color
Adding 9 Board – Addition and Subtraction – Lo Color
Friends to 10 – Addition and Subtraction – Color
Friends to 10 – Addition and Subtraction – Lo Color
Friends to 20 – Addition and Subtraction – Color
Friends to 20 – Addition and Subtraction – Lo Color