Multiplication Battleship
8 Game Boards – 0 to 4 Times Tables
My Multiplication Battleship Game is an enjoyable way to practice times table facts (0 times table to 4 times table) and reading the X-axis first.
What You Need:
2 players
1 colorful game board each
13 counters each
1 recording sheet each
2 red pens
2 blue pens
– Print and laminate the game boards.
– Place a barrier between the players so they cannot see each other’s game board e.g. a manilla folder, large open book, etc.
– Photocopy recording sheets.
How to Play:
1. The person with the next birthday goes first.
2. Player One reads a number from the x-axis of their recoding sheet and a number from the y-axis. They then state the answer i.e. 3×8=24
3. Player 2 then looks at their colored game board and finds the intersection of 3 and 8 (the x-axis is always read first) if a ship or object occupies the space they say ‘Hit’. If no ship or object occupies the space they say ‘Miss’ and place a counter of that space.
4. Player One records a hit by writing the answer on their recording sheet in red pen. They record a miss on the recording sheet by writing the answer in the intersection box in blue.
5. Play continues in this fashion until all of one player’s ships and objects have been hit.
Tips and Tricks:
– This game can offer a variety of teachable moments. One of the most important to grasp, so the game runs smoothly, is how the X-axis is ALWAYS read first. Over the years I’ve found students find it easy to memorize the fact that the x-axis is always read first but often confuse which axis is the X.
I have had success using this memory trick, ‘What shape is an X?’ ‘X is A CROSS’.
Included in this Game:
1 set of game rules
8 game boards
4 recording sheets