Reading Comprehension Strategy
Head Questions – Character Focus

3H Reading Strategy – Head Questions – Character Focus
When evaluating a reading comprehension activity you have to ask the question,
‘Is this activity teaching the students how to comprehend or are they simply seeking and finding answers?’
This set of ‘Head’ question stems are based on the 3H Reading Strategy and they aid the exploring of character. I like to have students create questions for their peers and then discuss them as well as using the questions I make up.
Focus on Character:
– What do you think motivates (character) in (situation)?
– Did (character’s) motives change throughout the text? How?
– Do you think (character) should have…? Why or why not?
– If you are a TV reporter, what questions would you ask (character)?
– What did (character) mean by the expression (‘……………………..’)?
– (Character) believes… What is the counterargument to this view?
– If you were (character) what would you have said to (another character) when (the incident occurred)?
– What can you learn from this author about character development?

3H Reading Strategy – Head Questions – Character Focus
– If I were (character) I would have (describe your action) when (action from the story)
– I wonder if (character) (felt emotion) when (action or event)? – Students fill this one in.
– What caused (character) to (behavior)?
– What else could (character) have tried to (solve or avoid complication)?
– Just suppose (character) had not done (action). What would have happened differently in the story?
– At (position in story) how do you think the character feels – (rise above the mundane) – ‘sad’ try ‘heart broken’, ‘devastated’.
– (character) said (‘………………………’) do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
– Why do you think (character acted) in this situation?
– Why do you think (the event happened)?
– List five ways (character) and (character) are alike?
– List five ways (character) and (character) are different?
– How is (character) similar to (character)?
– How are (character) & (character) dissimilar to each other?
– What do you think would have happened differently if (change a character’s thought or reaction)?
– If (change a character’s personality) how might the story have developed differently?
– What might have prevented (problem from text) from happening?
– What are the strengths of (character)?
– What are the weaknesses of (character)?
– What vulnerabilities does (character) have?
– Would you rather be (character) or (character)? Why?
– What do you think (character) meant where he/she said (‘…phrase…’)
– What would your parents say to you if you came home raving about (a character from the story) who (characteristic of character)?
– Do you agree with (positive or negative statement about a character)? Why? Be prepared to share your reasons.
– Is (character) a hero? Read (passage from text). – How could this section of text change a person’s mind?
– Was (character) a villain? Read (passage from text). How could this text change a person’s mind?
– What were (character’s) motives (at a point in text)?
Further Reading
The Reading Strategies Book:
Your Everything Guide to
Developing Skilled Readers