Vocabulary Building Lessons
Free Prompt Cards

Vocabulary Building Activity Cards
Etymology is the study of the history of words and how their form and meaning have changed over time.

Vocabulary Building Strategy Cards
Vocabulary Building Prompt Cards:
A collection of vocabulary building activities designed to be used as part of small group reading sessions
Card One:
– I wonder where this word was first used?
– I wonder when this word was first used.
– Let’s Google ‘insert word/etymology’
– Record it on a map

Vocabulary Building Prompt Cards
Card Two:
The well-loved children’s novel, “A Series of Unfortunate Events’, has a lovely ‘running joke’ where Lemony Snicket uses the same set of words to explain words & phrase meanings. Read one of the books as a class novel and work it into your lessons. The fans will love you. 🙂
– (insert word)… is a word which here means…
– (insert phrase)… is a phrase which here means…
Card Three:

Vocabulary Building Teaching Strategy Cards
– Unless we make an effort to remember these new words a few times over the next few days we will forget them. What strategies can we develop to help us remember them?
– ‘I wonder where the word ‘etymology came from?’