Vocabulary Building Lessons
Free Prompt Cards
Etymology is the study of the history of words and how their form and meaning have changed over time.
Vocabulary Building Prompt Cards:
A collection of vocabulary building activities designed to be used as part of small group reading sessions
Card One:
– I wonder where this word was first used?
– I wonder when this word was first used.
– Let’s Google ‘insert word/etymology’
– Record it on a map
Card Two:
The well-loved children’s novel, “A Series of Unfortunate Events’, has a lovely ‘running joke’ where Lemony Snicket uses the same set of words to explain words & phrase meanings. Read one of the books as a class novel and work it into your lessons. The fans will love you. 🙂
– (insert word)… is a word which here means…
– (insert phrase)… is a phrase which here means…
Card Three:
– Unless we make an effort to remember these new words a few times over the next few days we will forget them. What strategies can we develop to help us remember them?
– ‘I wonder where the word ‘etymology came from?’