Skip Counting Game
The Jump Counting Game (also known as skip counting) gives students the opportunity to develop and practice skip counting. Skip counting develops number sense, teaches students a more efficient way of counting and is a necessary precursor to performing other mathematical operations.
Skip Counting Game
By 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s & 10s
The Jump Counting Game (also known as skip counting)
Gives students the opportunity to develop and practice skip counting. Skip counting develops number sense, teaches students a more efficient way of counting, is a necessary precursor to performing other mathematical operations.
What You Need:
2 players
1 Jump Counting game board
2 dice
12 transparent counters of one color
12 transparent counters of another color
- Players cover all the blue and maroon numbers on the game board with their transparent counters.
- Players choose which side of the board they will play.
How to Play:
1. Players roll both dice and the highest number thrown becomes Player 1.
2. Player 1 rolls 1 die and skip counts (by the focus skill of the board) the number of times shown on the die. They then remove the counter on that number.
3. Player 2 then repeats Step 2.
NB If the counter has already been removed this still counts as the player’s turn.
4. Player 1 then rolls 2 dice & skip counts (by the focus skill of the board) the number of times shown on the dice. They then remove the counter on that number.
5. Player 2 repeats Step 4.
6. The game continues until a winner is found.
How to Win:
The first player to remove all of the transparent counters from their game board wins.
Teaching Notes:
- The bottom of the game board shows a skip counting scaffold. This can be used as prompt initial games and can be covered as students gain confidence in the skill being practiced.
- One side of the board has the numbers arranged randomly and the other side has the numbers in sequential order. This is to add another layer of scaffolding and understanding to the game.
Before the Game:
- Get ‘In the Zone’ by singing some skip counting songs. A quick Google search will elicit many songs and videos free to play and view in the classroom. Let us know your favorites.
- Display a 100 chart so students can discern the numbers being ‘skipped’ when counting.
- Get ‘In the Zone’ by playing a whole class circle game such as Buzz. Students stand in a circle and count by 1s to a set number, with the word buzz being substituted for the skip counting numbers. For example: if counting by 2s, it would be 1, buzz, 3, buzz, 5, buzz. If a student forgets to buzz they sit.
- Number Talk – You have to skip count by 3s from 6 to 21. How would you do this? What strategies are the students using to do this? Think Pair Share.
During the Game:
- Observe student gameplay to plan for further teaching requirements and variations to introduce for the next gameplay.
- Explain how to use the scaffold on the bottom of the game board to players you feel would benefit from this help.
After the Game:
- Once the game has been played with a few variations (see possible variations below) discuss what method of winning the game students liked the best and why.
- Ask students if they can think of a different way to win the game. How?
- Math Journal – Outline how you feel during the game of Buzz. What do you think are the positives of playing a game like this and what do you think are the negatives?
- Math Journal – What do you feel you learned during these skip counting game lessons? What do you need to work on next time we play the game?
Possible Variations:
- Change how the game is won e.g. the first to have only 3 counters remaining, the first to remove a capital T or H shape from the board, the first to remove the top or bottom row. Use your imagination.
- Start the game with all counters off the board and the first to make a horizontal or vertical line wins the game.
- Count backward from the highest number.
Included in this Download:
High Color Boards for skip counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s & 10s.
1 Powerpoint File with all boards displayed for easy classroom discussion.
1 set of Rules and Teaching Notes.