Soft C – Hard C Game
No 3 in a Row Soft C Game

Soft C Game – Printable
Soft C Hard C Game: ‘No Three in a Row’: is an engaging word game for those learning about soft and hard ‘C’.
There are 5 full-color game boards as well as 5 low-color versions of the game in this download. The low color versions of the game boards are ideal for sending home with students on Individual Literacy Plans or as a way to get some parental involvement in homework. There is also a PowerPoint file that contains all the color boards.
What You Need:
2 Players
1 Soft C Hard C Word Game Board
15 Counters of One Color
15 Counters of Another Color
How to Play:

Board Game Hard C – Low Color
1. Player One is the person with the shortest hair.
2. Player One chooses a word, states it clearly to Player Two, and places one of their counters on it.
3. Player Two then chooses a word, states it clearly to Player One, and places one of their counters on it.
4. Play continues in this fashion until a player is forced to lay a counter and it makes a row of three either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
How to Win:
Be the person who DOES NOT place 3 counters in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
Included in this Download:
5 Full-Color Game Boards
5 Low Color Game Boards
1 PowerPoint Version with ALL the full-color versions of the game boards for easy discussion and revision.
Word Lists on Boards:
Board 1 – When C meets a, o, or u, its sound is Hard
can, cod, cog, cub, car, cud, cat cot, cow, cut, cup, cab, cap, call, cuff, cube, carry, code, cake, cast, coil, can’t coin, curb, curl, coke, cure, camp, came & cart
Board 2 – When C meets a, o, or u, its sound is Hard
cold, card, cone, cart, colt, care, come, cute, curd, case, cook, cookie, came, cause, coast, cubby, camp, camel, curse, cabin, coach, Cupid, candy, curly, carrot, candle, carry, curve, coat
Board 3 – When C meets e, i, or y, its sound is Soft
cell, city, cider, century, cement, cinch, civic, cents, civil, cereal, cinnamon, circuit, cymbal, centipede, ceiling, cicada, cylinder, certain, cellophane, citizen, circle, circus, celery, celebrity, cinema, cycle, circulate, celebrate, cellar
Board 4 – When C meets e, i, or y, its sound is Soft
ice, lace, ace, medicine, rice, mice, price, magnificent, juicy, face, place, peace, pencil, bouncy, recycle, bounce, dancer, chance, dance, fence, fancy, prince, trace, sauce, notice, parcel, excite, police, concert, race
More Soft Sound Resources
– Soft Sound Phonics Posters
– Here is a Soft G Hard G Game to try if you like this Soft C One
– Here is a Soft G Hard G Game to try if you like this Soft C One
– You Can Download this Phonics Game on Teachers Pay Teachers if You Prefer