Multiplication Game – Deadly Red

Multiplication Tables Game – Deadly Red is a strategic thinking game that has the added feature of including Multiplication practice in the gameplay. Ideal for any teacher looking to help their students out with Multiplication. 


Multiplication Game

2 Times Table to 12 Times Table – Deadly Red

Multiplication Game - Deadly Red

Multiplication Game – Deadly Red

Multiplication Tables Game:

Deadly Red is a strategic thinking game that has the added feature of including Multiplication practice in the gameplay. Ideal for any teacher looking to help their students out with Multiplication.

What You Need:

2, maybe 3 players 
1 Deadly Red Game Board
12 counters of one color
1 red counter


Place the colored counters over all the algorithms and the red ellipse.

How to Win:

The player who forces their opponent to remove the red counter is declared the winner.

How to Play:

1. The person with the shortest hair goes first.
2. Player One may remove 1, 2, or 3 counters from the board then reads the algorithm, or algorithms, chosen aloud, and states the answer to their opponent NB The counters MUST be on the same line.
3. Player Two then does the same.
4. Play continues in this fashion until a player is forced to pick up the red counter.

Before the Game:

– Plenty of exploration of visual representations of the algorithms.
– Use the PowerPoint file to explore and discuss the algorithms used in the game.
– Deadly Red is a game of strategy and you will find there are ‘tricks’ you might discover that will help you win every time. Your task is to try and find this strategy. Be warned though, there is a lot of thinking involved 🙂

Multiplication Game - Printer Friendly Version

Multiplication Game – Printer Friendly Version

During the Game:

– Take notes on which strategies the students need to have reinforced in future lessons.
– Take note of which students need further challenge and which need ‘easier’ games.
– Suggest a strategy that works well for you when playing games like this and have the students try it. Often having students ‘evaluate’ an idea and see its worth is far more effective than telling them what to do 🙂 e.g. ‘When multiplying by 4 I tend to double the number then double it again to get the answer. How about you give it ago and I’ll come back in 5 minutes to see how you went with the strategy’

Possible After Game Reflections:

– While I was playing this math game I noticed __________.
– Next time I play this game I need to focus on…
– On a scale from 1 to 10 I rate my math work a _______ today because_________.
– Write 2 ‘I wonder’ questions about today’s work in Math.

Included in this Game:

11 Full-Color Boards
11 Low Color Boards
1 PowerPoint File showing all the color boards for easy discussion and Number Talks. 
1 Set of Rules and Teaching Ideas.

