Prefix Game – Bluff
Prefix Game – Bluff – A Card Game of Vocabulary Building, Spelling & Cheating 🙂. What is a prefix? Use this printable prefix-based card game to raise awareness of prefixes with your students. Ideal for learning centers and homework. An enjoyable way to improve literacy skills.
Prefix Game – Bluff
A Card Game of Vocabulary Building, Spelling & Cheating 🙂

Prefix Practice Game
Prefixes are an important part of learning English as they give ‘clues’ to help figure out the meaning of new words. They are also very useful in building vocabulary and learning to spell.
‘Bluff’ is a wonderful prefix practice card game. It is a celebration of how vast our language is and provides an excellent opportunity for exploration & discussion of new words.
Bluff works great in literacy centers or with small teacher-led groups. Students will be begging to practice prefixes using this activity! I’ve even had students take it home to play with the other members of their families. On wet weather days, I have put the game out… and many even played it by choice hehehehe

Prefix Practice Card Game
Prefix Game – What Cards do You Get?
There are cards for each of these prefixes – acro, pre, anti, auto, bi, cent, chron, circ, co, com, con, cycl, deca, dis, ex, extra, hexa, hyper, im, inter, ir, kilo, hydro, mega, milli, mono, octa, penta, poly, quad, sub, tetra, tri, uni and 4 Wild cards.
Aim of the Game:
– To have a bit of fun learning about the definition and uses of commonly used Latin & Greek prefixes.
What You Need:
– 3 to 6 players
– 40 card deck with two of each prefix
– 4 wild cards
How to Play this Prefix Game:
1. Decide who is going to be the dealer.
2. Dealer shuffles the prefix cards and distributes the whole deck evenly between the players.
3. The player to the left of the dealer goes first.
4. This player makes a pair from the cards in their hand (if this is possible) and places them face down in a central pile on the table stating the prefix, its definition & a word containing the prefix & the word’s definition. e.g. ‘The prefix ‘anti’ means ‘against’ so ‘antisocial’ means…’

Prefixes Game
5. At the point the cards are placed on the table the other players have the opportunity to say, ‘I don’t think so’ if they think the player is bluffing.
6. The cards just placed on the table are then inspected. If the person is lying about the number of cards put down or whether they are a matching pair then all the cards on the table go into the hand of the player accused. If the bluff is not proven all the cards go into the hand of the accuser.
7. Other players then follow in turn around the group placing pairs, accusing others of bluffing & picking up cards until one player has no cards left in their hand.
Four Wild Cards are included in this game. They give the holder a distinct advantage. Use them well as they can only be used once and then
must be discarded. Hold on to them until you can use them to the utmost effect.
Also Included in this Download:
– Tips on how to ‘bluff’
– Ways to vary the gameplay
– Teacher Tips for before and after the game.
NB The game cards used in this game are the same as in Prefix Shout. If you download this game you can play both games.
Here is another great website for Prefix Practice