Syllables Game
‘What is a Syllable?’
Syllables Game:
Reinforce the Rules of Syllabification While Playing a Game
Syllables can be the bane of many student’s existences. There are 4 Syllable Game Boards in this FREEBIE for reinforcing the rules of syllabification. They are ideal for Literacy Centres, Paired Work, Parent Helpers or to send home with homework
Syllables Game 1:
– When 2 consonants stand between 2 vowels, split between the consonants.
Syllables Game 2:
– When 1 consonant stands between 2 vowels split after the first vowel and it’ll say its name
Syllables Game 3:
– Sometimes when 1 consonant comes between 2 vowels we divide after the consonant. The vowel is short – it makes its sound, not its name. cab/in
Syllables Game 4:
– Two little words are put together to make a big word. Split between the two little words.
How to Play:
1. Roll the die.
2. Read a word with the same number as the dice.
3. Place one colored counter on the word if read correctly
4. The winner is the one to have 4 in a row either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
Where to Now?:
– Maybe you’d like to check out some of our free reading comprehension strategies downloads.
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