Addition or Multiplication Game
Doubles & 2 Times Table Game – Jump

Addition Doubles & 2 Times Table Game – Jump
Addition & Multiplication Games – Jump the Math Game is a fun Math lesson that teaches the Doubles Addition Facts and how these relate to the 2 Times Table. The exploration of these number facts is essential for efficient mental computations. This game aims to make the learning of these number facts enjoyable.
Three Ways to Play:
1. Draw the game board up on the playground in chalk and students ‘jump’ to the answers. NB this is the version the students enjoy the most.
2. Draw up the game board on the classroom carpet in chalk. (This is heaps of fun too but from experience has been known to annoy the classroom cleaners just a little)
3. Print out the game boards and students place their fingers on the frog feet and jump to the answer with their fingers.

Addition Game Cards
– to encourage ‘automaticity’ in the recall of Basic Addition & Multiplication Facts
– for students to see the relationship between Repeated Addition and Multiplication.
NB In my classrooms I do a lot of work on the need for efficiency in doing mental computations. We aim for, ‘SEE IT, SAY IT’. This addition game offers heaps of opportunities to discuss ‘efficient’ number strategies.
How To Play:
1. Draw this grid on concrete using chalk. Each square should be about 30cm by 30cm.
2. Two players stand with their feet in the large feet facing the game board.
3. A ‘Caller’ asks a question from one of the cards.
4. When a player has worked out the answer they must jump from their spot onto the correct answer. NB Do not move until you know the answer.
5. Players then rotate positions but the winner stays to compete with the next player. NB The object of the game is to have a bit of fun while you learn some of the facts so make an effort to learn your ‘Doubles’ facts while you’re standing in line.
– After playing the games separately, combine the addition cards with the multiplication cards
Before the Game:
– Safety is paramount – Students need to know this and need to know the game will be shut down as soon as there is any ‘silliness’. Make sure the students are well of this. I like to joke that I know this is a tough rule but I hate the paperwork of accident reports then as an aside mention the blood and pain hehe Know your audience 🙂
– Explore the Addition Doubles Facts and how they relate to the 2 Times Table as repeated addition. e.g. 2×3 = 3+3
– It is easy to get caught up in the fun of the competition but the essence of the learning experience is to focus on the facts ‘you need to work on’. In pairs generate ideas for strategies for improving your math while standing in line waiting for your next turn. Share these with the class and discuss them.
– Discuss ‘helpful thinking’ in your self-talk. e.g. ‘Ok I missed 9×2, I’ll repeat it to myself a few times, hey it is only 9+9, I know that so I just need to convert it to multiplication’. Unhelpful thinking – my granddad says he is not a ‘math person’ so I must have got it from him. This game sucks! This game is stupid! etc. Discuss implications of both types of thinking.

Multiplication Games – PowerPoint Version
During the Game:
– Reminders about safety.
– Remind students in line to reflect on ‘What I need to practice’ and encourage them to do it.
Possible After the Game Reflections:
– I enjoyed this Math game because…
– I think this game could be improved by…
– When standing on the feet I feel ……………. because ……………..
– Next time I play this game I need to focus on……. because…..
Included in this Download:
1 Addition Doubles Board
1 Two Times Table Board
13 Cards with the Addition Doubles Algorithms
13 Cards with the Multiplication Algorithms for the 2 Times Table
1 PowerPoint file with both boards and all the cards for easy discussion and game introduction